Online merchants want to offer their products or services for a fixed amount, as well as preferably independently of any exchange rate or fluctuation rate of the coins coded.
The owners of Crypto are looking for a cheap, simple and fast way to exchange their Cryptos to Fiat / Fiat in Crypto on a simple platform.
Users are looking for possibilities to send their coins quickly wherever they want, p. for arbitration, from an account to other users.
The solution - Stain Coin
The 1TUS currency is linked to the price of the US dollar: 1TUS coin = 1US $
Currency abbreviation: 1TUS
The $ 1 coin is a currency with a quick and safe way to send it from one wallet to the next.
How is the currency secured?
All coins issued are covered with the same amount of US dollars. The deposit is deposited transparently as a cash deposit in the bank. Transparency: confirmed weekly by live broadcast with access to the account. The money for the 1tUS $ coin has been invested demonstrably.
Through the website, it is possible to buy and sell the currency for 1US $.
Only when the money in US dollars is deposited in the bank account or by the company, new 1tU $ currencies will flow to the market.
The value can only be reduced with respect to the performance of the US dollar.
This ensures that there is no great volatility. Therefore, we offer a currency that allows the user to integrate the currency in different platforms and exchangers as a fixed amount, eg. to exchange or use cryptos.
Profit sharing
There will be 3 Phase of participation in the benefits.
Pre-ICO 15% per year shared benefits of semi-annual payment for 5 years
1. ICO phase 10% per year shared benefits semi-annual payment for 3 years
2. ICO Phase 5% per year shared benefits semi-annual payment for 3 years
Due to the fact that the US $ 1 currency can be exchanged for the equivalent of one US dollar, of course, there will be no price increase after the ICO.
However, ICO participants have the possibility to share the benefits, depending on when the buyer has joined (see previous assignment).
To be considered for profit sharing purposes, the participant must retain the coins purchased in the ICO for at least 6 months until the ICO is completed and then sell them after this time whenever they wish and the KYC / AML will perform completely.
Participants who sell the coins they bought at the ICO during the ICO and return to participate in the ICO will be eliminated from the pools and will not be entitled to benefit sharing.
Legal advice
The legal protection is the important thing of any start-up. Therefore, we are pleased to inform you that 1APayment Holding has
It has been established and all legal aspects have been clarified with immediate effect from May 7, 2018.
The headquarters of the company is in Switzerland. The Holding is located in Germany and Singapore.
Participation in the benefits for charity
We have the responsibility to promote the area of cryptography as well as support other social projects.
As we want to assume our social responsibility, we will distribute 5% of the profits of 1TUS to initiatives and social projects.
With your help, we can support the following global projects, p.
kindergartens/schools around the world, animal projects for the conservation of species, basic care for people in need as
as well as initiatives and associations in the area of cryptography.
Here are the reviews that I present to the search for information and knowing the 1tUS project that is currently running your computer, if there is no clear explanation of this article, do not worry, I have set up a link so you can get accurate information . and, of course, you can talk directly with your founder or team, in the link.
Bitcointalk ANN -
Post By Anusha
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